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Some of These “Healthy” Foods Can Damage Young Teeth

July 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:44 pm

Boys drinking fruit smoothiesChoosing different grocery items for your kids’ diets can be difficult, especially when there are so many things for you to choose from. It’s important to get nutritional items, but they need to taste good as well. On top of that, certain foods that are often considered as healthy can actually cause a lot of damage to your kids’ teeth. Your children’s dentist shares what they are and why they can be so harmful for young smiles.


How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Confidence?

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 9:01 pm

Woman smiling at cosmetic dentistNothing screams confidence like a big, happy, healthy-looking smile. People who are embarrassed or self-conscious of their smiles tend to have much less confidence and increased levels of stress and anxiety. Showing off your healthy teeth affects the way others see you and is even contagious. If you don’t feel like your smile is sufficient, the good news is that you have many different options. Continue reading to learn about how seeing a cosmetic dentist can improve your confidence as well as some different types of procedures that are available.
