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Get a Brighter, Healthier Smile in 2021

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 11:10 am
Woman standing in front of a light blue background wearing a striped shirt smiling

At the beginning of each year, many make New Year’s resolutions to improve their appearances or advance their careers. Getting a confident, healthy smile can help you accomplish both of these goals! If you’re ready to get the beautiful teeth you deserve, here are 4 resolutions that can help you do it.

Improve Your Dental Hygiene

Proper dental care includes brushing your teeth for 2 minutes twice a day and flossing at least once a day. But studies show that most Americans only brush for a total of 45 to 70 seconds per day! This means there is definitely room for improvement. Taking a total of 5 minutes each day to free your teeth of plaque, bacteria and leftover food particles can drastically improve your oral health.

Kick Your Nicotine Habit

Nicotine products are full of chemicals that can be problematic for both your oral and overall health. The substances found in the smoke from vape pens, cigarettes and cigars can cause the blood flow to your gums and other tissues in your mouth to slow, making them vulnerable to infections. This is why nicotine users are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer, gum disease and losing teeth. The good news is that there are many tools available to help you quit smoking and using tobacco. If you’re unsure of which method might work best for you, your doctor can help.

Make Healthier Diet Choices

If you were to look at most New Year’s resolutions lists, you would likely see “weight loss”. The taste and convenience of junk food makes it an easy choice for many people. Unfortunately, the sugar, acids and preservatives in them often leads to tooth decay and weight gain. If your sweet tooth is your biggest problem, try chewing flavored xylitol-sweetened gum. Xylitol is a sugar-free, aspartame-free sweetener that fights cavity-causing bacteria. With flavors like chocolate, birthday cake, cherry lime slush and more, you’re sure to find one that works for you!

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

You aren’t the only one who wants you to have a healthier mouth, your dentist does too! It can be easy to put off dental appointments, but one of the best ways to improve your dental health is to visit your dentist regularly. While brushing and flossing at home can get rid of the plaque and bacteria on your teeth, your dentist has special tools to remove any tartar (hardened plaque) you may have. Regular checkups also give your dentist the chance to catch cavities, gum disease or other serious dental issues early. The earlier they catch these problems, they easier they are to treat, even oral cancer.

Sticking to these resolutions can help you achieve the beautiful smile you deserve. A bright smile shows that you’re confident in who you are and what you have to offer. Let 2021 be the year you accomplished all of your goals, including a healthy smile.

About the Author

At Center One Dental, Dr. Raj Vekariya is committed to improving the oral health of every patient. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and completed his certificate program in Esthetic and Comprehensive Dentistry. Dr. Vekariya offers general dentistry, but his passion is cosmetic dentistry. If you’re ready to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted, visit the website or contact the office at (724) 300-3700 today.

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