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How to Enhance Your Smile on a Budget

February 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 4:55 pm
Woman smiling as a dentist matches the color of her teeth

Most people are not born with straight, beautiful smiles. Luckily, modern dentistry makes it easy for anyone to have dazzling white teeth, but the price tag that goes along with it can be a bit daunting. It can be tempting to avoid the dentist altogether when you have crooked teeth or severe dental staining. The good news is that cost-effective cosmetic treatments and many dental financing options can help you achieve the smile you deserve. Keep reading to find out what you may be able to afford now and smart ways that can assist with the costs!


How a Brighter Smile Can Help You on the Dating Scene

February 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 3:18 am
Couple kissing on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it. You likely have someone on your eye that you are looking forward to seeing on this upcoming day of romance. Something that you should be aware of is that a nice smile is such a positive trait that many people look for when searching for a significant other. The more you smile, the better! However, plenty of people out there are self-conscious of discoloration of their smile. Continue reading to learn how a white smile can help to win over your date and what teeth whitening options you have to brighten up yours.
