Whether it be through TV shows, movies, or loved ones, you’ve likely heard how important it is to brush your teeth a million times by now. Though this is a key part of preventing dental issues and keeping your pearly whites looking their best, there is also a link between beverages and oral health. So that you know what to be wary of, read on to learn about five drinks that can harm your smile.
Drink #1: Soda
As you probably know, soda is full of sugar, which can lead to cavities. This is because harmful oral bacteria feed on the sugar in the foods and drinks you consume and release acids that attack your tooth enamel. Soda is also highly acidic, so drinking it frequently is an open invitation to cavities.
Drink #2: Wine
A study performed by The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that red wine contains polyphenols, which are micronutrients found in plants that may make it more difficult for bad bacteria to stick to one’s teeth. Even so, red wine can also leave stains on your pearly whites. If that makes you think that white wine is the better option, think again. It’s actually more acidic than red wine, so it can damage your tooth enamel and make you more likely to get cavities.
Drink #3: Vodka
When tooth enamel is exposed to a pH level of about 5.5, it begins to demineralize. Vodka’s pH level is usually around 4, but some brands have one as high as 8. This puts these brands within the range of potential enamel damage. Alcohol also tends to dry out the mouth, which allows oral bacteria to flourish and raises your risk of both decay and gum disease.
Drink #4: Other Alcoholic Beverages
Along with causing dry mouth, many alcoholic beverages are also incredibly acidic. If you choose to mix them with sodas or make beverages like margaritas or mimosas, the resulting sweet and acidic beverage can do a lot of damage to your smile.
Drink #5: Fruit Juice
Natural fruit juice is advertised as being much healthier for you than sodas. Though they are often full of the fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, that your body and smile need to remain healthy, fruit juice is also full of tons of natural sugar. Many fruit juices also have added sugar, which can make them even sweeter than sodas.
Though some of your favorite beverages and oral health often go hand in hand, drinking them in moderation can help you avoid most of the negative effects. This way, you can prevent oral health issues and preserve the look and function of your gorgeous grin!
About the Practice
From checkups and cleanings to intensive restorative treatments, Dr. Raj Vekariya and his highly skilled team at Center One Dental are here to offer residents living in Canonsburg and the surrounding areas the treatments they need to maintain healthy smiles. They can also give you information on how beverages and oral health are connected so you can take the necessary steps to protect your pearly whites. To set up an appointment with Center One Dental or for more information on their services, call their office at (724) 300-3700 or visit their website.