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How Long Do Fillings Last?

July 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 1:56 am
person with dental fillings smiling

Dental fillings play a vital role in maintaining oral health and restoring smiles. Whether you’ve had fillings for years or are considering getting them, understanding their expected lifespan is essential for long-term dental care. Keep reading as we explore the factors that influence the durability of dental fillings and provide insights into how many years you can typically expect them to last.


Can Ignoring a Toothache Be Fatal?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 1:48 am
person with toothache holding their cheek

At some point in life, it’s highly probable that you’ll encounter a toothache. Some toothaches are mild and result from minor cavities, often treatable with a dental filling, and not typically considered emergencies. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all forms of dental pain. Certain toothaches may point to a serious oral health issue, but can neglecting them potentially have life-threatening consequences? Keep reading to delve into whether toothaches can ever pose a fatal risk and how your dentist can intervene to address them.
