Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly, but sometimes they may feel too tight, too loose, or just not right. If this happens, don’t panic! There are simple steps you can take to resolve the issue and keep your treatment on track. Continue reading to learn what you should do if your Invisalign aligner refuses to fit.
Check Your Aligner Placement
The first step is to make sure your aligner is seated correctly. Because each tray is custom-fit for your teeth, they need to be placed just so. Otherwise, even a small misalignment can cause your aligner to resist your efforts to put it on. Here are a few ways you can check:
- Use the Proper Placement Method: Make sure you’re pressing the aligner into place with clean fingers, starting from your back teeth and moving forward.
- Use Invisalign Chewies: These small, rubbery tools are designed to help you seat your aligners properly. Gently bite down on them for a few minutes to help the aligner settle into position.
- Brush and Floss Your Teeth: Sometimes plaque or food particles are to blame for your aligner’s refusal to fit. Try brushing, flossing, and vigorously rinsing your mouth with water or non-alcoholic rinse. This may dislodge whatever was keeping your aligner from seating. You can also brush the aligners themselves with mild, colorless dish soap and cool water.
Wear Your Aligners the Right Amount of Time
To properly align your teeth, your Invisalign trays must be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day. Sticking to this schedule ensures that when it’s time to switch to a new set of aligners, they’ll fit properly. So, if you’ve recently changed your aligner and it suddenly doesn’t fit, you may need to stay with your current trays a little longer.
If the new aligners fit correctly but feel snug, it means they’re working as intended. This slight pressure and feeling of tightness are what helps guide your teeth into their proper positions over time.
Check Your Invisalign Aligners for Damage
Sometimes, an aligner that doesn’t fit properly may be damaged or warped. If nothing else seems to work, inspect your aligner carefully for cracks, bends, or other imperfections. When you perform this check and see any bent, broken, or cracked plastic, stop using it and contact your dentist immediately.
A misfitting aligner can feel frustrating, but with the right approach, it’s easy to resolve. So, follow the steps above; check for proper placement, be aware of your wear time, and contact your dentist when needed. By doing this, you can keep your Invisalign treatment on schedule and achieve your dream smile in no time!
About the Author
Dr. Raj Vekariya is a talented dentist who is both patient and experienced. He earned his dental degree from the New York University College of Dentistry after spending five years gaining practical experience and education in India. Today, he offers excellent care using advanced technology and techniques for a smooth experience that’s tailored to each patient. Call (724) 300-3700 to schedule an Invisalign consultation at Center One Dental or visit our website to learn more.