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3 Reasons Not Be Embarrassed About Dental Implants

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 7:09 pm
CGI of a dental implant screw with a crown floating over it in front of a gray background

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist because you’re embarrassed about the condition your teeth are in, then you are not alone! Solutions like dental implants can help but fear over the state of your smile could keep you from scheduling a visit. If you’ve lost one or more teeth, though, it’s imperative that you make an appointment. If this sounds familiar, continue reading to learn 3 reasons why you shouldn’t let self-consciousness hold you back from getting the treatment you need.

Reason #1: You Could Be Putting Your Oral Health At Risk

Sometimes teeth fall out due to an unforeseen accident or other physical trauma. In other cases, though, it’s because of tooth decay or gum disease following years of poor dental hygiene habits. Many patients in the latter category worry about what their dentist will think or say when they arrive. Remember that your dentist is focused on your health- and you should be, too! They’re more concerned with what they need to do to ensure your teeth and gums are restored to the best of their ability.

Reason #2: Keep Your Jaw Strong

It’s unfortunate, but our bodies reabsorb the unneeded bone mass surrounding a missing tooth. Without anything in place to stimulate your jawbone, it begins to decline. In time, this can weaken your jaw to the point that your facial structure shifts and changes. can impact how you feel about the way you feel about how you look, which would only add to your self-consciousness. Once a dental implant is placed, however, it provides the activity necessary to keep your jawbone at its full strength so you don’t have to worry about deterioration.

Reason #3: Dental Implants Look and Feel Natural

Dental implants are a popular solution because they’re the only replacement option that functions like a natural tooth. They consist of a support rod that’s inserted into the space your natural tooth used to occupy. After a few months, your jawbone will bond with this ‘root’. Then your dentist finishes it off with a tooth-shaped cap customized to match your remaining pearly whites. The end result looks and feels just like your missing tooth. No one will be able to tell the difference so there’s no reason to be embarrassed!

As you can see, it’s important for both your emotional as well as physical well-being to replace your missing tooth. Call your dentist today to start the process, and soon you’ll have a perfect replacement tooth you can be proud of!

About the Author

Dr. Raj Vekariya graduated from dental education in his native India then moved to the United States of America and attended New York University’s College of Dentistry. Then in 2011 he earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and finished his Certificate program in Esthetic and Comprehensive Dentistry. Today cosmetics is one of his favorite topics. If you need a dental implant, you are welcome to request an appointment by contacting us on the website or calling (724) 300-3700.

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