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5 Habits To Avoid To Make Your Dental Implant Last

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 3:26 pm
Two model implants- one upright and one laying down- on a light blue background

Dental implants are touted as the top-of-the-line treatment to replace missing teeth. They’re the only option that fuses with your jawbone in order to both look and function like your natural pearly whites. Among many other benefits is how durable they are. With the right upkeep, dental implants can last 15 years or more. Keep reading to learn about 5 habits to avoid if you want to elongate your implant’s lifespan!

Habit #1: Poor Dental Hygiene

Although your dental implant is incredibly durable, if you aren’t caring for your teeth then it could fail! Our gums and jawbone need to maintain their strength to hold it in place, and tooth decay or gum disease could potentially weaken them. If that happens, your restoration won’t have sufficient support anymore and can loosen or fall out. By brushing and flossing twice daily, you ensure your mouth stays clear of unwanted germs, so you have no cause for concern.

Habit #2: Using Tobacco

If you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products then you’re increasing the chances of dental implant failure. Nicotine reduces oxygen levels in your blood as well as how well it can flow. If you’re still healing from an implant procedure, this can really hinder your recovery. Don’t assume that means if you’re fully healed cigarettes are safe, though. Even down the road, tobacco can impact your implant.

Habit #3: Chewing Hard Objects

Your teeth are not meant to be used as tools and the same is true of your dental implant! Though it’s incredibly durable, using it to open bottles or packages can chip it. Also, try your best not to bite your nails or chew that pen cap!

Habit #4: Eating Sugary Foods

Another popular benefit of dental implants is the lack of dietary restrictions. Because they’re inserted into the jaw, patients have no need to worry about it being pulled out of place or dislodged by certain foods. Sticky candies, for example, probably aren’t going to pull it out of place like they might with dentures.

That said, sugar content attracts harmful bacteria that can thrive below the gumline and cause gum disease. This spells danger for your implant which relies on your gum health for stability.

Habit #5: Skipping Dental Visits

One of the best ways to keep your dental implant in prime condition is to maintain a regular schedule with your dentist. You should see them once every 6 months for a basic checkup and professional cleaning. During your appointment, they’ll examine the condition of your teeth, gums, and restorations to ensure everything is healthy. It also gives them the opportunity to treat any potential areas of concern before they develop into anything worse.

By leaving these 5 habits behind, you’ll be able to enjoy the many benefits of your dental implant for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Raj Vekariya at Center One Dental provides compassionate care to patients of all ages. He began his dental education in India, where he graduated then worked as an associate dentist for 3 years. He then attended New York University’s College of Dentistry, which he followed up with his Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2011. That makes him an expert with procedures like dental implants. If you need to replace a tooth and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on our website or by calling (724) 607- 8638.

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