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Why You Don’t Need to Be Nervous About Dental Implant Surgery

May 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:02 pm
Woman sitting back in dental chair and smiling

You’ve finally decided that dental implants are your best choice for replacing your missing teeth, but you find yourself hesitating when you realize that having them placed will involve a minor surgery. The truth is, though, that you have little to worry about. More than 5 million implants are placed each year, and many of the patients who undergo the procedure are surprised to find that it’s far more comfortable than they expected. Take a moment to learn more about dental implant surgery and what you can expect during the procedure.


How Can Exercise Prevent Periodontal Disease?

April 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 12:09 am
Woman running

You should be exercising regularly in order to stay strong and healthy. Along with maintaining a nutritious diet, you will be setting your body up for success. Exercise has a much bigger effect on your overall wellbeing than you may think. In fact, having optimal dental health and avoiding gum disease relies on you staying active on a regular basis. Continue reading to learn more about the relationship between the two.


5 Important Oral Hygiene Practices That Are Often Forgotten

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 11:03 pm
Woman flossing

Since you were a young child, you have known that you need to brush your teeth on a regular basis. However, there are some other essential steps that you need to include in order to keep your smile and the rest of your body in good health. The issue is that many of them are left forgotten, increasing the likelihood of oral health issues. Continue reading to learn about some steps that you need to have in your dental hygiene routine.


What is Your Risk of Developing Oral Cancer?

March 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 4:47 pm
Dentist checking patient for oral cancer

It is estimated that this year alone, over fifty-four thousand people will be diagnosed with cancer. That’s no small number! Fortunately, it is very treatable as long as a dentist is able to catch it before it gets out of hand. Over the last three decades, early detection has helped to decrease the death rate significantly, which is one more reason why it is so important to see your dentist twice a year for routine checkups. Keep reading to learn about the different factors that can increase your risk of developing oral cancer and how you can avoid it.


Everything You Need to Know About Getting Dental Implants

March 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 4:48 pm
dentist showing patient a diagram of dental implants

Dental implants are no small investment, but they have the power to totally change your life when it comes to increased self-confidence with a transformed smile and restored oral functionality. Every year millions of people benefit from them, and if you’re considering getting dental implants, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. If you’ve never had them before, you probably have plenty of questions. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the process and the ways they can enhance your smile.

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