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How to Beat Your Sugar Cravings

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 7:01 pm

Did you know that sugar can be addictive? Unfortunately, it is easy to get hooked because sugar and high fructose corn syrup seems to be in everything! Even if you don’t think that you are having very much sugar, chances are that you are breaking through the recommended daily sugar intakes. However, breaking this habit is incredibly difficult, especially when you are having strong sugar cravings throughout the day. Read on for some tips that can help you beat these cravings so you can have a healthier diet.


5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Dental Insurance

November 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 10:07 pm
dental insurance form on dark wooden table

You pay premiums for it every month, and you vaguely understand that it’s important, but do you really understand how your dental insurance works? If the technical-sounding language that dental insurance companies use confuses you, you’re not alone. Many patients don’t fully understand the ins and outs of their plans, and end up overpaying for their dental care as a result. Continue reading to learn five tips on how to maximize dental insurance benefits and make the most of your coverage.  


5 Thanksgiving Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

November 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 10:10 pm
family of four enjoying some Thanksgiving foods

You’ve probably spent weeks thinking about all of the yummy dishes you’re going to be eating at Thanksgiving dinner. Many classic Thanksgiving foods are certainly delicious, but several of them can discolor your teeth if you’re not careful. Keep reading to learn five classic Thanksgiving items that can stain your teeth, as well as what you can do to keep your smile shining brightly this holiday season.


6 Everyday Ways You Can Harm Your Teeth

October 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 5:28 pm
Biting nails

It’s normal for your teeth encounter some general wear and tear over the years, but there are certain habits and activities that can speed this up and even cause you to encounter a dental emergency. For many habits, the correlation is obvious, but for others, you may not even realize that you’re doing anything wrong. Your dentist shares some of the worst daily activities for your smile. Don’t do these things if you want to prevent future oral health issues.


6 Tips for a Healthy Halloween Smile

October 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:38 pm
Halloween candy

Now that the spooky season is here, you are probably preparing your costume and getting ready for the heaps of candy that will somehow find their way into your home. Even though there is nothing wrong with you and your kids indulging in a few Halloween sweets, it’s important to be aware of the effects it can have on your smile. No one in your family wants to spend extra time in the dental chair having cavities filled. Here are some Halloween candy tips that can help you navigate this exciting holiday.

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