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Why Flossing Daily Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution

January 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 9:15 pm
a person smiling while flossing their teeth

It’s finally 2023, which means you might be reevaluating some of your habits and lifestyle choices and brainstorming new resolutions to make the upcoming year a great one! One thing you may be hoping to improve upon this year is your oral hygiene routine—but have you considered your flossing habits? Here’s more from your dentist about why flossing daily is a necessary practice, along with some tips for ensuring that you’re able to keep up with it this new year.


3 Dental Emergencies that Cause Facial Pain

January 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 7:38 pm
a man experiencing face pain due to a dental emergency

Dental emergencies are not always a knocked-out tooth or loose dental crown. If you are experiencing pain in either your forehead, cheeks, or mouth, it may be a sign of an oral health issue that needs to be treated right away. Facial pain that is related to your teeth is not only hard to deal with during your day-to-day activities, but could also be putting you at risk for more serious health issues. Read on to learn about three dental emergencies that cause facial discomfort.


3 Diseases that Gum Disease Can Put You at Risk For

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:59 pm
rubber heart next to a stethoscope

When you hear a dentist say that they treat patients “comprehensively,” you might not quite get what that means. It means that they understand the body as a whole and the way that various conditions can interact. A good dentist doesn’t treat individual diseases—they treat a person, completely.

This concept is particularly relevant to dentistry, as recent science suggests that what happens in the mouth can significantly affect the rest of the body. Serious issues like oral cancer are a threat, but even just gum disease can increase your risk for a myriad of other conditions. If you’re curious about how gingivitis can affect the rest of the body, here are a few diseases that gum disease might put you at an increased risk for.


Why Does My Dentist Check My Blood Pressure?

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:50 pm
Portrait of a dentist taking a patient’s blood pressure

If you haven’t had a dental checkup in a while, you might have noticed a new addition to the process: your dentist will now take your blood pressure whenever you see them. For some people, that might seem kind of strange—why would your dentist care about your blood pressure?

As it turns out, there are a few reasons why they would need to know this information. Here’s a little bit more information about why your dentist cares about your blood pressure levels.


Can You Drink Coffee After Getting Veneers?

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 1:59 pm
Coffee is known for staining teeth, but will it do the same to your veneers? Here’s what you need to know to keep your new smile looking bright.

If you always start the day with a hot cup of coffee, then you probably know how it can stain your teeth thanks to the tannin it contains. So if you’ve recently gotten veneers as part of a smile makeover, you might worry that they could suffer from the same problem. Can you drink coffee with veneers in Canonsburg, or will you have to skip your daily cup of Joe to protect your new grin? Here are the facts.

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