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Center One Dental Blog

Can Ignoring a Toothache Be Fatal?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 1:48 am
person with toothache holding their cheek

At some point in life, it’s highly probable that you’ll encounter a toothache. Some toothaches are mild and result from minor cavities, often treatable with a dental filling, and not typically considered emergencies. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all forms of dental pain. Certain toothaches may point to a serious oral health issue, but can neglecting them potentially have life-threatening consequences? Keep reading to delve into whether toothaches can ever pose a fatal risk and how your dentist can intervene to address them.


What Makeup Colors Show Off White Teeth?

June 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 11:31 pm
dental patient wearing a good color of makeup

When aiming to achieve a whiter smile, many focus on direct approaches such as improving oral hygiene or undergoing teeth whitening treatments. However, it may come as a surprise that the color of your makeup can also play a role. Specifically, choosing the right lip shade can create the illusion of pearly white teeth. Continue reading to learn about how makeup can enhance your teeth, along with recommended lip colors to achieve a brighter smile.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make You Look Younger

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 7:09 pm
person with nice smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry offers a transformative approach to addressing age-related dental issues and helping individuals regain the radiance of their smiles. As we age, our teeth can undergo various changes, such as discoloration, wear, and misalignment. Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic dentistry provide effective solutions to these concerns, offering a range of treatments that can enhance the appearance of teeth and boost confidence. Continue reading as we explore the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, popular procedures, and how it can help address age-related dental issues.


Unlock a Brilliant Summertime Smile with Teeth Whitening

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 7:29 pm
a smile that’s undergone teeth whitening treatment

These days, more people than ever before are turning toward cosmetic dentistry to unlock their smile’s true potential. And among all of the various types of cosmetic services out there, perhaps the most popular and accessible option is teeth whitening. The treatment is incredibly effective when it comes to tackling teeth staining and discoloration, no matter how minor or severe. But did you know that summertime is one of the absolute best times to undergo this remarkable service? Here are a few reasons why your dentist thinks you should seek out teeth whitening before kicking off your summer festivities.


My Tooth Pain Seems Worse at Night: What’s Going On?

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:53 pm
a patient suffering from nighttime tooth pain

To put it simply, tooth pain can be quite frustrating. Not only is the cause of the pain sometimes unclear, but these aches have a knack for occurring when it’s incredibly inconvenient—such as when you’re trying to sleep! But what causes toothaches to occur at nighttime, and how can the discomfort be effectively remedied? Here’s what your emergency dentist wants you to know!

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