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Fear Of The Dentist, Or Fear Of What Might Happen?

July 31, 2016

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry Canonsburg PA — Tags: — centeronedental @ 2:41 am

Dentophobia, or fear of the dentist, isn’t as uncommon as most people might think. One bad experience can create a horrific fantasy in the mind of a person who is scheduled, or should be scheduled, to see go to a dental clinic. With this “fear of the dentist”, a person’s dental health can create some major problems to the overall health of the patient. (more…)

Sedation Dentistry Canonsburg PA

May 2, 2016

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry Canonsburg PA — Tags: — centeronedental @ 8:26 am

Welcome to Center One Dental, the best provider of sedation dentistry services in Canonsburg, PA.

If you suffer from dental phobia, anxiety or have special treatment requirements, fret not. Our qualified team of dentists will use sedation dentistry techniques to minimize discomfort and pain so that you can stay calm and relaxed during dental procedures. Sedation Dentistry allows complex dental treatments to be performed with ease and saves you from any discomfort caused during the procedure. Sedation can be used for any type of dental procedure. (more…)