You absolutely love to see your child smile, and all you want is for them to stay happy and healthy well into adulthood. When it comes to their teeth, early-age dental appointments are absolutely essential, and at Center One Dental, we’re ready to provide the top-notch children's dental care that they need. Our team has years of experience working with children, so we’ll know just how to serve their smile and keep them comfortable at the same time. Is it time for your little one to start visiting the dentist? If so, contact us today.
Most dentists will recommend that you should bring your child in for their first dental appointment around the age of one. For most, their first teeth will already have started to come in, and by bringing your child to Dr. Raj at this stage, he’ll be able to make sure their little smile is developing correctly as well as give you tips on how to take care of it at home.
Learn More About Age One Dentistry
Cavity prevention is one of the most important parts of taking care of younger smiles, as children’s enamel is relatively soft compared to adults. As part of their regular checkups, we can provide a topical fluoride treatment. This mineral has been shown to naturally help strengthen the teeth against both decay and cavities, and it’s one of the easiest ways to keep a child’s smile strong and problem-free year after year.
Learn More About Fluoride Treatment
Bruxism is a condition where a child unconsciously clenches their jaw and grinds their teeth, and for most, it only occurs while they are asleep. In order to help both you and your child rest easy, we can recommend that they wear a protective mouthguard to bed. It will be custom-designed to fit their teeth so that it is completely comfortable, and its tough structure will prevent them from grinding together.
Learn More About Mouthguards for Children
The back teeth (molars and premolars) are the ones that most often develop cavities in children because they can be quite difficult for little hands to clean while they are still learning to brush. To give your child’s smile a little bit of extra protection right where they need it, we can apply what is called a dental sealant. A clear, thin layer of a plastic-based substance will be painted directly onto the teeth, and this will provide an invisible barrier that plaque, food particles, and bacteria cannot cross.
Learn More About Dental Sealants
If a child loses a tooth too early, their other teeth can easily drift into the open space and obstruct the incoming adult teeth, leading to alignment problems that will require orthodontic treatment later. To avoid this, we can place a spacer in a child’s mouth to keep the path for the adult teeth nice and clear. We offer a variety of spacers that can suit any child’s needs and fit comfortably into their mouth.