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Canonsburg Cosmetic Dentistry

Makes Dream Smiles a Reality

Would you be happier with whiter teeth? What if you were able to get rid of that pesky chip, crack, or gap in your smile that has bothered you for years? We can help you find out thanks to cosmetic dentistry. With it, Dr. Raj can eliminate just about any imperfection you can imagine and give you the kind of beautiful, confident smile you’ve always wanted. If you can picture it, we can make it happen, so contact us today to get started.

Porcelain Veneers & Lumineers

Smiling woman in dental chair

Porcelain veneers and Lumineers are extremely thin ceramic coverings that are fitted to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance, but that isn’t the exciting part about them. What matters is that they are able to make multiple dental flaws disappear simultaneously with just one easy procedure, including:

Both treatments can be custom-made to perfectly match your goals, and they can give you everything from a small touch-up to a complete makeover in just two to three appointments.

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Closeup of healthy smile

Has one of the teeth that shows when you smile been damaged? If so, we know just how to repair it in order to restore both your dental health and appearance at the same time. Using all-porcelain crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays, we can create restorations that are extremely lifelike – even our team sometimes has trouble distinguishing them from natural teeth. With them, we can turn back the clock and make it look like nothing bad ever happened to your smile.

Direct Cosmetic Tooth Bonding

Closeup of healthy smile

Tiny smile flaws can now be quickly taken care of thanks to direct cosmetic tooth bonding. For this treatment, Dr. Raj will apply a naturally-colored composite resin to a compromised tooth to build it up, and then he can literally sculpt it into the perfect addition. Minor stains, chips, and gaps can now be eliminated in as little as an hour. Not only is this treatment fast, but it is also completely painless. The results can easily be expected to last for 10 years or more.

Learn More About Direct Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Man receiving teeth whitening

Have your teeth become darkened and discolored over time due to coffee, wine, tobacco, aging, or just unlucky genetics? If so, we can restore your smile’s dazzling shine with our choice of professional teeth whitening treatments. Our team can provide an in-office treatment that leaves the enamel up to eight shades whiter in less than an hour, or we can provide you with your own custom-made kit so you can brighten your smile in the comfort of your own home.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening Learn More About Teeth Whitening for Traumatized Teeth


Woman placing Invisalign tray

Thanks to Invisalign, you no longer have to get metal braces to fix your crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth. This technique uses a series of crystal-clear aligner trays to shift the teeth in the most discreet and comfortable way possible, and while you’re wearing them, even you will barely be able to see them. Even better? They are removable as well, meaning you can take them out whenever it’s time to eat or brush your teeth.

Learn More About Invisalign

Smile Makeover

Woman looking at smile in mirror

Think it’s just impossible for you to have Hollywood-style smile? We beg to differ. Dr. Raj can put together a personalized treatment plan just for you that will create the smile of your dreams. Just let him know what you would like to change about your look, and he can make it happen over the course of a few appointments. No matter what your teeth look like now, he promises you’ll end up with stunning results.

Learn More About Smile Makeover

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Lots of patients stress over how much cosmetic dentistry in Canonsburg might cost, especially since dental insurance usually doesn't cover it. But don't worry, our team is here to help! We sit down with each patient to figure out what they want for their smile, then we come up with a plan tailored just for them. At Center One Dental, we offer all sorts of cosmetic procedures to fit different budgets and achieve different results. The best way to find out how much your dream smile will cost is to book a consultation at our office. In the meantime, we encourage you to review the information below.

What Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Wondering which cosmetic dental treatment is the right fit for you? Dr. Vekariya is here to guide you through your options! Typically, our cosmetic patients aim for whiter, straighter, or differently shaped teeth. Here's a breakdown of what we offer to help achieve that:

  • Teeth Whitening – Want to brighten your smile? Our in-office whitening can lighten your teeth by several shades in just one visit. Or, if you prefer a gradual process, ask us about take-home whitening kits.
  • Direct Cosmetic Tooth Bonding – This treatment is great for minor fixes like covering small chips or cracks. Keep in mind that this quick and budget-friendly option may need touch-ups every few years.
  • Veneers – These can transform a single tooth or an entire set. Although they typically cost more, veneers can last over a decade with proper care.
  • Lumineers – Similar to veneers but thinner, Lumineers require no enamel removal, making them a simpler option that maintains tooth integrity.
  • Invisalign – Straighten your teeth discreetly with clear aligners. Invisalign offers a comfortable and nearly invisible alternative to traditional braces.
  • Smile Makeovers – Tailored to your unique preferences, a smile makeover combines multiple cosmetic treatments to achieve your ideal smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

Working with a cosmetic dentist in Canonsburg to refresh your smile might feel like a significant commitment at first. Yet, investing in cosmetic dentistry can yield lasting benefits. Your smile speaks volumes, often making the first impression during job interviews, dates, or gatherings with friends. If you lack confidence in your teeth, you might find yourself feeling shy or self-conscious. Having a confident smile can open doors to a more vibrant social life, fulfilling romantic relationships, and enhanced career prospects. In essence, the value of a confident smile is truly priceless.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Most dental insurance plans do not cover cosmetic dentistry. Nevertheless, enhancing your smile is still within reach without straining your finances. For instance, eligible patients can benefit from flexible dental financing options offered through CareCredit. As a trusted partner, CareCredit offers low-to-no interest payment plans for cosmetic procedures. By spreading the cost of treatments like veneers or bonding into manageable monthly payments, you can achieve your desired smile without having to break the bank.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

How Do I Know If I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Almost everyone has some troublesome concern about the way their smile looks, and it’s quite likely that you’ll qualify for cosmetic dentistry if you’re interested in it. Cosmetic dental treatments can address flaws like:

  • Stubborn stains or discoloration: If you have stains on your teeth that aren’t responding to conventional oral hygiene methods, your dentist can perform a professional whitening treatment with dazzling results.
  • Chips or cracks in your teeth: Cosmetic dentistry can cover up minor damage in your teeth with treatments like dental crowns, porcelain veneers, or direct cosmetic tooth bonding.
  • Misalignments or misshapen teeth: Porcelain veneers can reshape a stubby tooth into a more pleasing shape. In some cases, they can even help a smile seem straighter without orthodontic treatments!

Of course, we can only tell you which treatments you qualify for after you have a consultation at our office.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Everyone at our office is determined to make your dental experience as pleasant as possible. While many people tend to feel anxious at the thought of seeing a dentist, cosmetic dental procedures are quite painless. Most of these treatments are noninvasive, and local anesthetics will eliminate any pain during the procedure if needed. However, treatments like direct cosmetic tooth bonding and teeth whitening do not require any anesthetics at all.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Worth It?

A beautiful smile that you feel proud to show off is an excellent asset in both the social scene and the professional world. Enhancing your smile with cosmetic dentistry can deliver many benefits that affect your everyday quality of life by improving your self-image and the way others see you. Having a beautiful smile can also make you more eager to take care of it, which can prevent oral health problems down the line. Many people find that their cosmetic dental work pays for itself through the opportunities it opens up!

How Do I Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

There are a few things to pay attention to when deciding if a provider is a good fit for you, a few of these being:

  • How experienced are they? Ask about what kind of cosmetic dental results your dentist has achieved previously. It’s also great to ask to see any before and after photos or smile galleries.
  • How are their reviews? Many websites allow patients to review their dentists. Researching these can give you valuable information about what to expect.
  • What is their office like? A good dental office should be clean, organized, and attended to by a friendly and courteous staff. The office being well put together can give you a good idea of the quality of its services.
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