Regular flossing and brushing removes food and plaque stuck in between and on the smooth surface of the teeth. But our teeth also have grooves and depressions, which a toothbrush and floss cannot clean. Dental sealants are protective barriers placed in the grooves of the chewing surfaces of a child’s teeth in order to seal out bacteria and food from getting stuck inside.
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the installation of sealants over children’s teeth is known to reduce the occurrence of cavities by up to 86% after one year and 58% after four years. At Center One Dental in Canonsburg, PA, Dr. Raj often uses dental sealants for children in conjunction with fluoride treatments to provide them maximum protection against cavities.
The number of teeth to which sealants are applied depends on a child’s inclination towards cavities. As per recommendations by the American Dental Association, sealants should be applied to the six and twelve year molars, which are the primary biting teeth. However, all tooth are prone to being affected by cavities and sealants should be applied soon after the eruption of permanent teeth for maximum protection.
When you visit our clinic in Canonsburg, PA for dental sealants, we begin by examining the teeth to make sure that they are properly cleaned. The teeth to be sealed are then dried and the sealing material is applied to the biting surface of the teeth and cured with a special curing light to allow it to harden. This is a fast and painless procedure that can generally be completed in a single sitting.
When used in combination with a proper oral care routine and a healthy balanced diet, sealants go a long way in maintaining your child’s dental health. If you need more information about how sealants can benefit your children’s teeth, contact Center One Dental in Canonsburg, PA.